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6 Mind Blowing Benefits Of Massaging The Breasts!

We all know that women include many things in their daily beauty routine in order to look more attractive. It may sound a bit strange to you, but they should also include the old technique of massaging their breasts because this massage provides many health benefits. It helps to increase blood circulation in the breast which helps them to grow.

According to a study conducted in the Texas Institute of Functional Medicines, women’s breasts can actually lower down the risk of breast cancer and it also has many other positive effects on a woman’s body.


1. Reduce risks of fibroids, cysts, and cancer.

Massaging your breasts can save your life since you will notice tissue changes quicker and attack diseases like cancer at its first stage. Moreover, the massage increases the circulation of the lymph which contains infection-fighting cells and it is able to remove toxins. As a result, this massage can also heal cancer.

2. Enlarge breast size.

Hormones usually influence the size of the breasts. You can stimulate your body to produce more hormones and bring them to breasts by massaging them. Apply certain oils and herb in order to quicken the process of breast enlargement.

3. Relieve pain and discomfort.

Some women experience discomfort in their breasts during menstruation. In order to help yourself relieve that tension, massage your breasts and the increased circulation of blood and lymph will relieve you of pain in that area. Make sure to add a few drops of soothing essential oil like cammomile to the massage oil or cream and then massage your breasts.

4. Prevent sagging and improve shape.

Due to the fact that there are no muscles in breast tissue, the only method of getting better-shaped breasts is a massage. As we previously mentioned, massaging provides better circulation which will tone up the tissues and will tighten your sagging skin.

5. Prevent and reduce wrinkles.

In order to make your breast skin smooth and glowing, make sure to massage them on a regular basis because the increased circulation in breast tissue will cause cells to regenerate.

6. Reduce scars and improve skin tone.

Women who have undergone breast surgery should definitely massage their breasts because the lymph drainage in this area promotes healthy healing of the scars and reduces post-surgery discomfort. Use certain oils to massage your breasts in order to minimize old scars and stretchmarks.


1. Use A Lubricant

Make sure to use olive oil in order to give your breasts the essential nutrients that they require and help yourself by lubricating the area. As a result of the oil, you will be able to move your hands in perfect movements and give you a smooth massage. Massage your breasts on a regular basis.

2. Warm Hands

Prior to massaging your breasts, apply some cream or oil onto your hands, rub them together vigorously until they feel warm and then massage them.

3. Rub Breasts

First of all, place your hands on your breasts and gently rub them using circular motions. Move your right hand clockwise and your left one counter-clockwise.
Each rub should last a couple of seconds.

4. Be Gentle

Be very gentle while massaging your breasts since the area is very sensitive and you wouldn’t want to create a negative effect from your massage. This calls for gentle but firm massage for maximum benefits.


Repeat this breast massage 2 times per day in the morning and in the evening in order to achieve optimal results. You should only spend 10 to 15 minutes a day to perform this treatment.

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